Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"To Do" List

For your amusement. This is the list of tasks we wrote down for ourselves last week in anticipation of Monday's phone call. The idea was to get them all done before boarding the airplane Sunday. Funny what makes it onto these lists:
  1. Make hotel reservations for Seoul
  2. "Buy" plane tickets
  3. Organize NCAA March Madness pool
  4. Make sleeping arrangements for Brooklyn
  5. Paint bedroom trim
  6. Install bathroom mirror
  7. Install shower glass
  8. Install bathroom baseboards
  9. Buy and install soap dispenser
  10. Assemble crib
  11. Find crib
  12. Buy replacement parts for crib (added two days later)
  13. Watch NCAA basketball
  14. Plan a celebration dinner at the local Korean restaurant
  15. Clean house
  16. Set up Gunner's blog
  17. Install safety gate at top of stairs
  18. Prepare airplane-friendly kid entertainment
  19. Download Nook books
  20. Clean guest room
  21. Arrange dog walker
  22. Watch more NCAA basketball
  23. Repair A/C duct
  24. Plan food for trip
  25. Get Nicol’s homework
  26. Borrow Leapster games
  27. Fix shower grout
  28. Buy and install doorknobs
  29. Buy and install door hinges
  30. Strip and paint doorway
  31. Do taxes (while watching NCAA basketball)
  32. Set up high chair
  33. Wash Gunner’s clothes
  34. Buy diapers, wipes, baby food
  35. Clear out chokable toys from playroom
  36. Clean car
  37. Buy booster seat for Calvin
  38. Install baby seat for Gunner
  39. Fly to Korea

1 comment:

  1. wow amazing huh. You never know how much you have to do sometime until you sit and think about it.. I hope all turns well and have a great trip there.. Take a lot of pictures and also some of the food dishes that you eat. talk to you guys soon..
