Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back Home! What time is it?

Mission accomplished! We pulled into the driveway a little after one o'clock this morning, which was just after two o'clock in the afternoon Tokyo time. That means we are all wide awake! Actually I've been sleep deprived the past 32 hours or so, and am about to crash. But here are some highlights of what's transpired in that time:
  • Gunner slept until six-thirty Tuesday morning! I can see he is quick to learn our ways of sleep. No overnight poo, either.
  • Caught a nine-thirty bus to the Incheon airport. As the bellman helped lug our luggage to the bus stop, he says hey, why didn't you hire a van? All I could say was maybe next time.
  • After a one-hour bus ride to the airport, we were checked in and at our gate in plenty of time for our one-thirty flight. No poo on the bus.
  • During the two-hour flight to Tokyo, Gunner got to ride in the lap of his grandmother (a.k.a. "Lala"), while Nicol sat next to her and Calvin sat next to his granddad ("Lolo.") No poo on the flight to Tokyo.
  • Making the connection at Narita was a bit of a challenge. Calvin had fallen asleep on the plane, and we lost the help of my parents who had to catch a train back home. So I had Gunner on my back and Calvin in my arms, plus a bag or two. Nicol stepped up her game and threw Calvin's carry-on onto her back, wheeled her own carry-on with her hands, and carried Robin's travel pillow in her teeth. This is imagery is a fair representation of our two-hour layover there, during which we did not look like the kind of people who should be doing something like this. Still no poo.
  • Once again, though, we had a fantastic flight around the world! With the tailwind I think we were only in the air for eleven hours. During that time, Robin and the kids slept and... slept! It was great! We had bulkhead seats where the flight attendants rigged up a contraption they call a bassinet, and Gunner was content to use it to put in his ten hours of sleep. There were a few diaper changes throughout the flight, including one resulting in a casualty due to friendly fire (I like to think he peed on me because he loves me)... but still no poo.
  • We landed at JFK around six o'clock Tuesday evening. How we got from the airport to our car in Brooklyn is an experience I hope our children never remember.
  • We picked up our car from the home of our friends Lindsey and Sean... but they made sure to give us a warm reception first! They had a sign welcoming Gunner in Hangeul and made us a welcome-home meal: breakfast! Western-style, with eggs and bacon and ham and pancakes and cinnamon rolls! Gunner even crawled around on the floor a bit, fascinated by the activity of the other kids around him.
  • By nine o'clock we were back on the road again, Calvin's and Nicol's eyes glued to in-car DVD screens showing Animaniacs videos, and Gunner freaking out. After we realized we needed to feed him, he downed a bottle and kicked back for some more shut-eye on the ride home. Four hours later (including a stop for a snack), we pulled up to our house where Robin's parents (Grandma and Grandpa) were happily waiting for us. And Gunner made poo.
I hope to get some more pictures up tomorrow and maybe get a feel for Gunner's first impressions of "America."


  1. From the outside, this experience seems insanely fast. (Which might not accurately describe how it feels to those involved.) I love the description of Nicol carrying so much stuff. This would have made a great picture, but I can't see how one would have managed that in your given situation.
    Welcome back to America!

  2. Welcome home, Drews! Loved following your blog and your adventure to get Gunner! Praying for smooth transitions for the entire family. Please continue to post pictures and blog on occasion. Stephanie Strauch
